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Filtering by Tag: financial crime mentor

TWELVE Financial Crime Mentoring Program - launching in January 2021

Ian Messenger

Launching in January 2021, the TWELVE Financial Crime Mentoring Program will pair Junior / Early Years Financial Crime Professionals with experienced mentors (“Fellows”) for a 12 month period of mentoring and professional development.

Over the course of the 12 month program, participants (“Associates”) will experience

  • Monthly 1:1 coaching and mentoring sessions with their Fellow

  • Monthly 1:1 sessions with Dr Ian Messenger

  • Guest lectures and presentations by industry experts on key Financial Crime topics

  • Sessions exploring the key skills required of a Financial Crime Professional

  • Roundtable sessions on topics of the day with industry professionals

  • Facilitated groups discussions

  • Networking events within the cohort of Associates

The program is limited to 12 Junior / Early Years Financial Crime Professionals in order to provide an intimate and tailored learning and development experience.

if you are interested in being a 2021 Associate, please send me an email outlining who you are and how this program would benefit you. Space is limited!

See for more information or feel free to reach out.

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