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Financial Crime Compliance

“Financial Crime Compliance: A Handbook for the Detection, Prevention and Investigation of Financial Crime” is available at Amazon in both Paperback and Hardback. Also available via Digital Download (PDF)

Over 548 pages, the book covers topics including:

  • Leadership

  • Ethics

  • Anti-Money Laundering

  • Terrorism Financing

  • Fraud

  • Bribery and Corruption

  • Sanctions

  • Governance and Risk Management

  • Casino Gaming

  • Arts and Antiques

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Information Security

Financial crime is a growing threat to businesses and society as a whole. Criminal organizations use sophisticated techniques to launder money, finance terrorism, commit fraud, and engage in bribery and corruption. The impact of financial crime can be devastating, ranging from reputational damage to financial losses, and in some cases, loss of life.

To address these risks, businesses and governments have implemented a range of measures to prevent, detect, and respond to financial crime. Financial crime compliance has become a critical function for businesses operating in high-risk industries such as banking, insurance, and financial services.

This book is a comprehensive guide to financial crime compliance for professionals working in this field. It covers a wide range of topics, including anti-money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, bribery, and corruption, among others. The book provides practical guidance on how to design, implement, and manage effective compliance programs that are tailored to the specific risks faced by an organization.

ISBN‏ : ‎ 979-8390757611