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Casino Compliance: Managing Risk in Land-Based and iGaming Environments

“Casino Compliance: Managing Risk in Land-Based and iGaming Environments is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble in both Paperback and Hardback. Also available as a Digital Download (PDF).

Over 460 pages, the book covers topics including:

  • Leadership

  • Ethics

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

  • Fraud

  • Bribery and Corruption

  • Governance and Risk Management

  • Challenges in the Casino Gaming Industry

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Information Security

The Casino Gaming industry is one of high stakes and high risk, with millions of dollars changing hands daily. As such, it is crucial that casinos have robust compliance and risk management systems in place to protect their assets and maintain the integrity of the industry. This book is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to casino compliance and risk management, covering a wide range of topics that are critical to the effective operation of any Casino or iGaming operation.

ISBN‏ : ‎ 979-8376038789